Useful Links
Airports Act
The Airports Act is the primary piece of Commonwealth legislation that sets up a system for regulating Australia’s major airports. The section relating to airports master plans can be found in Part 5, Division 3.
Airservices Australia
Airservices Australia is a government-owned corporation providing safe, secure, efficient and environmentally responsible services to the aviation industry. They are responsible for managing aircraft movements in and out of Adelaide Airport and handling noise complaints and enquiries.
Airservices Australia – WebTrak
WebTrak is a tool that allows you to access flight activity of aircraft over metropolitan areas. Displaying a map of surrounding suburbs within 55 km of Adelaide Airport airport, WebTrak allows you to view information about arriving and departing aircraft, from 40 minutes to three months ago.
Aircraft Noise Ombudsman
The Aircraft Noise Ombudsman conducts independent administrative reviews of Airservices Australia’s management of aircraft noise-related activities. If you have a complaint about aircraft noise, you should first lodge it with Airservices Australia’s Noise Complaints and Information Service.
If they are unable to offer a satisfactory solution, you can then lodge it with the ANO
Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics
The Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics provides economic analysis, research and statistics on infrastructure, transport (including aviation) and regional development issues to inform both Australian Government policy development and wider community understanding.
Civil Aviation Safety Authority
CASA’s mission is to enhance and promote aviation safety through effective regulation and by encouraging the wider aviation community to embrace and deliver higher standards of safety. Their primary function is to conduct the safety regulation of civil air operations in Australia and the operation of Australian aircraft overseas.
Department of Infrastructure and Transport
The Australian Government Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development advises the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport on the policy and regulatory framework for Australian airports and the aviation industry and manages the administration of the Airports Act 1996.
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
The South Australian Government Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure works as part of our community to deliver effective planning policy, efficient transport and social and economic infrastructure. This includes the maintenance and operation of the state’s transport network and regulation of its use, and the delivery of major infrastructure projects. .